On behalf of the ENCIT 2008 Organising Committee we would like to welcome you to Belo Horizonte! We do hope that in these days, during the 12th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering, we will meet our dear friends, discuss scientific and technological issues and the most important, renew the ABCM mission of diffusion of the new advances of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering.

Ricardo Nicolau Nassar Koury, Chair
Marcos Pinotti, Co-Chair

Organising Committee

Ricardo Nicolau Nassar Koury | UFMG

Marcos Pinotti Barbosa | UFMG

Agenor de Toledo Fleury | FEI-SP
Antonio Carlos Lopes da Costa | CDTN-MG
Atila Silva Freire | UFRJ
Carlos Alberto de Almeida | PUC-RJ
Celso Pupo Pesce | Poli USP
Daniel Onofre de Almeida Cruz | UFPA
Francesco Scofano Neto | IME-RJ
Geraldo Augusto Campolina Fran�a | UFMG
Jos� A. Perrela Balestieri | UNESP
Jos� Eduardo Mautone Barros | UFMG
Jos� Karam Filho |
Jos� R. Sim�es Moreira | USP
Leandro Franco de Souza |
Manuel Ernani Cruz | UFRJ-RJ
Marcelo Jos� Cola�o | IME-RJ
M�rcio Teixeira de Mendon�a - ITA
Oscar Saul Hernandes Mendoza | UFU
Su Jian | UFRJ
Thamy Cristina Hayashi | UFBA
Valter Y. Aibe | Inmetro
Wilson Fernando Nogueira dos Santos | INPE-SP<